Spanish dream.

Cartagena. 2017.

En los últimos años, el mundo ha sufrido una de las mayores crisis económicas que se recuerdan, poniendo en duda hasta el propio sistema.

Esta situación ha conllevado una serie de circunstancias evidentes, como son: el aumento del paro, caída del consumo, la quiebra de grandes y pequeñas empresas,etc.

La situación actual ha afectado a muchos jóvenes españoles, que ven, como una vez terminan sus estudios están destinados a ser explotados en trabajos vejatorios mal pagados o desplazarse a un país donde puedan encontrar trabajo.

Ante tal situación los gobernantes han encontrado la principal solución en el turismo, vender un lugar de sol, playas y ocio para que el norte de Europa se relaje y gaste su dinero. Por otro lado la construcción sigue siendo otra de las claras apuestas económicas.

Todo esto ha conllevado a una situación de precariedad en el trabajo insostenible para un gran número de personas.

In recent years, the world has suffered one of the biggest economic crises that are remembered.
This situation has led to a number of obvious circumstances, such as the increase in unemployment, the fall in consumption, the bankruptcy of large and small companies, and so on.
The current situation has affected many young Spaniards, who see as they finish their studies are destined to be exploited in the work or move to a country where they can find work.
Before such situation the government of Spain see the solution in tourists, sell sun and beach. On the other hand the construction remains another economic bets.
All this has led to a situation of precariousness in unsustainable work for a large number of people.

More than 75 million tourists will arrive this year to Spain.

82% of young Spaniards consider working outside Spain.

Spain leads growth in construction in the euro zone.

More than 500,000 young graduates have left Spain in search of work.

Sun and beach the engines of tourism and economy.

Brick is gaining weight in its economy and in many cases and exceeds the services of the industry.

Spain a country where the university national prizes work abroad.

Tourism, engine of growth and the Spanish economy.

Brick is once again a key point in Spain's economic growth.